Blu Scents亲爱的会员们请往这里看过来!!
一年一度的会员日就在23/3 – 25/3盛大举行哦!
您将可享有高达25%折扣 + 5% Cash Coin!只限3 天而已!
我们感谢您一路的相伴与支持~ 这年度的会员回馈日就是专为每一个您而设的哟。
Dear Blu Scents Beloved Members,
Blu Scents Annual Member Appreciation Day is on 23rd – 25th Mar 2018, storewide 25% OFF + 5% Cash Coin !
Yes!! 3 Days Only!!!
Remember to share this great news with your friends and family & bring them along to enjoy this one year once great SAVINGS!
See you soon!
T&C apply.