Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Using aromatherapy for sinusitis

Sinusitis, what we normally called “si-nus” is referring to having problem with sinuses.
Do you know that we all have sinuses?  4 pairs to be exact, frontal, maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, actually they are air filled space which lie behind the brow and under the cheeks.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of mucous membrane lining of these sinus cavities.

Sinusitis is extremely common worldwide, do you have sinus problem or someone you love suffering from sinusitis?  Sinusitis could be caused by a cold, flu, tonsillitis, allergies or poor mouth hygiene. The symptoms include nasal congestion, nosebleed, fatigue, headache, earache, pain around the eyes, excessive sneezing, a mild fever or cough.

There are a few ways that aromatherapy can help to relief sinus infection.

Blu Scents Breathe Easy synergy blend helps to open the sinus passage ways, reduce phlegm, and reduces inflammation associated with sinusitis. Regular use of essential oil can boost the immune system, increase our ability to heal or prevent an illness when dealing with respiratory tract. 

For younger children, replace it with our Breathe Well, a blend that is gentle enough for babies & toddlers (and adults, too!), yet very effective in treating coughs & respiratory concerns.

Vaporising the essential oil several time during day and night, for at least 15 minutes each time while you are in the room. Sit near the diffuser for better effectiveness.

Direct inhalation
Place 1 or 2 drop of the essential oil on a piece of tissue or handkerchief, hold up to your nose and mouth and inhale deeply several times. This is the easiest way to take with essential oils while out and about during the day.

Steam inhalation
For relief of sinus congestion, steam inhalations remedy is best. Add 3 drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with towel, keep your eyes close and place your head about 8 inch from the water level to prevent steam burn, inhale slowly and deeply for 5-10 minutes.

Note: Do not use this method if you are an asthmatic

Hot compress 
Provide immediate relief associated with blocked sinuses, local treatment which involves use of moist heat and essential oil absorption and inhalation.
Add 3 drops of essential oil a bowl of hot water about 38°C .Soak a small clean face towel, remove the cloth and squeeze out most of the moisture. With eyes closed, apply the compress over the affected sinus area, Avoid extreme heat and contact with your eyes as much as possible as essential oil are very volatile and can be irritating.

Dilute the essential oil to carrier oil and massage targeting the sinus areas and on your chest and back area. This massage oil is useful when you do not have time to do steam inhalation or compresses, and is a good prevention steps.